Fraction Lesson 5: Adding and Subtracting Mixed Number Fractions
Part one: Begin with viewing a video on Adding and Subtracting Mixed Number Fractions. "Title: Adding Mixed Number Fractions Part 1" is not only a great video on how to add mixed number fractions, but it is also a great review reminding students that you need a common denominator before you add fractions. If you are looking for a Spanish Video, check out and view the video titled, "Suma y resta de fracciones con diferente denominador". Also a great video for students needing a review.
**Note: You are NOT downloading the video.
Part two: Demonstrate to students how to add and subtract mixed number problems. The problem most difficult for most students to understand is when you have to borrow when you subtract. Check out for worksheets. Find a great book and work through adding and subtracting application problems. You can also click on the label located within this blog, fraction word problems,where you will find many GED math problems in both English and Spanish. Check back often as more are being added all the time.
Part three: Its always good to give students some worksheets that they can take home with them. The following worksheets not only have the problems, but also the answer key.
Adding Mixed Number Fractions
Subtracting Mixed Number Fractions
Fraction Lesson 1: Introduction to Fractions
Part one: To begin our lesson today (1st lesson), the students and I viewed a short 7-9 minute video on the vocabulary they will need to understand when learning fractions. The video is titled, "
Title: Fraction Vocabulary" and can be found on If you decide to use the video, be sure to scroll down to the video and click on the arrow to begin.
**Note: You are NOT downloading the video.
As you and the students view the video, remind them that the video's purpose is to introduce them to the vocabulary that will be needed as they learn fractions. There are LOTS of information in the video and the students might think they need to learn all of it at once. It is a great overview of what will be learned in the upcoming lessons!
Part two:In addition to learning fraction vocabulary, I introduced the different types of fractions as well as how to change back and forth between improper fractions and mixed numbers. I use Steck Vaughn's GED math book, but if you don't have that book... there are many others that would work as well.
As homework I printed off copies of the following to be done at home. Each worksheet had the problems on the front page and the answers on the back.
Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle Worksheet
Changing From Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
Changing from Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
Total lesson time: 1 hour