Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Adding Fractions (Spanish & English)

A recipe calls for 2 ½ cups of milk, 1 1/3 cup of hot water, and ¼ cup of oil.  What is the total amount of liquid used in the recipe?

Una receta necesita  2 ½ tazas de leche, 1 1/3 taza de agua caliente, y ¼ taza de aceite. ¿Qué es la cantidad total de líquido que la receta usa?


4 1/12 cups

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Subtracting Fractions (Spanish & English)

Sue has a ribbon that is 27 inches long and needs to be shortened to 15 1/3 inches.  How much should she cut off?

Sue tiene una cinta que es 27 pulgadas largo y necesita estar cortado a 15 1/3 pulgadas. ¿Cuánta debe Sue cortar?


11 2/3 inches

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Subtracting Fractions (Spanish & English)

Dan estimated he would need 45 square feet of carpet for his home project.  If the job only required 36 ½ square feet, by how much did he exceed his estimate?

Dan estimó que necesitaría 45 pies cuadrados de alfombra por su proyecto de la casa. ¿Si el trabajo solamente requiriera 36 ½ pies cuadrados,  cuánta más excedería su estimación?

8 2/3 square feet

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Multiplying Fractions (Spanish & English)

A bookstore has a stack of 30 books.  Each book is 1  1/3inches thick.  What is the height of the stack?

Una librería tiene una pila de 30 libros. Cada libro tiene 1 1/3 pulgadas en espesor. ¿Qué es la altura de la pila?


40 inches

Fraction Word Problem: Subtracting Fractions (Spanish & English)

Jane gets 8 vacation days per year.  If she already used 3 ½, how many does she have left?

Jane recibe ocho días de vacación por año. ¿Si ella ya usara 3 ½ de sus días, cuantas días tendría todavía?


4 1/2

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Multiplying Fractions (Spanish & English)

A bookstore has a stack of 30 books.  Each book is 1 1/3 thick.  What is the height of the stack?

Una librería tiene una pila de 30 libros. Cada libro tiene 1 1/3 pulgadas en espesor. ¿Qué es la altura de la pila?


40 inches

Fraction Word Problem: Subtracting Fractions (Spanish & English)

George can work up to 13 hours per week.  If George has already worked 4 ¼  hours this week, how many more hours can he work?

George puede trabajar por un máximo de 13 horas por semana. ¿Si George ya trabajara por 4 ¼ horas esta semana, cuantas más horas podría trabajar?


8 3/4 hours

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Subtracting Fractions (Spanish & English)

Peter is 5 ¼ feet tall and his younger brother is 3 1/3.  How much taller is Peter than his younger brother?
Pedro tiene una altura de 5 ¼ pies y su hermanito tiene una altura de 3 1/3. ¿Cuánto más alto es Pedro que su hermanito?


1 11/12 feet

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Adding Fractions (Spanish & English)

Dave walked 2 ½ miles work and back again on Monday.  On Tuesday he walked 1  1/3 miles to the grocery store.  How far did Dave walk in those two days?

Dave caminó 2 ½ millas a su trabajo y de regreso lunes. Martes él caminó 1 1/3 millas a la tienda de comestibles. ¿Cuántas millas caminó durante los dos días?


6 1/3 miles

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Adding Fractions (Spanish & English)

Jenni spends 1/4 of her income on rent, 1/6 of her income on gas, and 1/8 of her income on food.  What fraction of her income does she spend on these three items?

Jenni gastó ¼ de su ingreso en alquilar, 1/6 de su ingreso en gasolina, y 1/8 de su ingreso en comida. ¿Cuál es la fracción de su ingreso que ella gastó en esas tres cosas?


Monday, September 16, 2013

Fraction Word Problems: Porportion (Spanish & English)

Mr. Smith bought six gallons of paint for $138.  How much will 10 gallons of paint cost?

Señor Smith compró seis gallones de pintura por $138. ¿Cuánto costará por 10 gallones?



Fraction Word Problem: Porportion (Spanish & English)

If the student to teacher ratio is 18 to 1, how many teachers will be needed in a school of 270 children?

Si la proporción entre estudiantes y maestros es 18:1, ¿Cuántos maestras estaría necesario en una escuela de 270 estudiantes?


15 teachers

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Porportion (Spanish & English)

Sarah has a recipe that will serve 5 people and calls for 2 eggs.  How many eggs will she need for 15 people?

Sarah tiene una receta que servirá cinco personas y necesita dos huevos. ¿Cuántos huevos necesitará por 15 personas?


6 eggs

Fraction Word Problem: Porportion (Spanish & English)

Wayne drove 126 miles on 2 gallons of gas.  How far can he drive on 15 gallons of gas?

Wayne manejó 126 millas con 2 gallones de gasolina. ¿Cuántas millas pudría manejar con 15 gallones de gasolina?


945 miles

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Unit Rate (Spanish & English)

Peter earned $525 in 15 hours.  How much did he earn per hour?

Pedro ganó $525 en 15 horas. ¿Cuánto ganó por hora?


$35 per hour

Fraction Word Problem: Unit Rate (Spanish & English)

Carol has been counting calories.  On Tuesday she ate two servings of beans and rice.  If there was 676 calories in 2 servings, what is the unit rate of calories per serving?

Carol ha contado calorías. Martes ella comió dos porciones de frijoles y arroz. ¿Si hubiera 676 calorías en dos porciones, cuál sería la proporción de unidad de calorías por porción?


338 calories per serving

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Ratio (Spanish & English)

On a test, Harrison answered 18 questions correctly and 2 incorrectly.  What is the ratio of correct questions to total questions?

Por la examen, Harrison contestó 18 de las preguntas correctamente y 2 incorrectamente. ¿Cuál es la proporción entre las preguntas correctas y las preguntas en total?


9/10  ;  Harrison answered nine questions correctly for every ten questions he answered.

Fraction Word Problem: Ratio (Spanish & English)

Step-Up Manufacturing has a total of 36 employees.  Of those 36 employees, 15 are women.  What is the ratio of the number of men employees to the total number of employees?

Step-Up Fabricación tiene 36 empleados en total. De los 36 empleados, 15 son mujeres. ¿Cuál es la proporción entre el número de los hombres y el número de los empleados en total?


7/12 ;  There are seven men for every twelve employees.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fraction Word Problem: Ratio (Spanish & English)

Brown Manufacturing has a total of 136 employees.  Of those 136 employees, 64 are men.  What is the ratio of the number of men to the number of women employees?

La Fabricación de Brown tiene 136 empleados en total. De los 136 empleados, 64 son hombres. ¿Cuál es la proporción entre el número de los hombres y el número de las mujeres?


8/9  ;  There are eight men for every 9 women.

Fraction Word Problem: Ratio (Spanish & English)

Jose worked 6 hours on Monday.  If he worked a total of 40 hours for the week, what fraction of the time did he work on Monday?

José trabajó por seis horas lunes. ¿Si él trabajara por 40 horas durante la semana, cuál estaría la fracción del tiempo que trabajó lunes?



Monday, September 09, 2013

Fraction Lesson 5: Adding and Subtracting Mixed Number Fractions

Fraction Lesson 5:  Adding and Subtracting Mixed Number Fractions
Part one:  Begin with viewing a video on Adding and Subtracting Mixed Number Fractions.  "Title:  Adding Mixed Number Fractions Part 1" is not only a great video on how to add mixed number fractions, but it is also a great review reminding students that you need a common denominator before you add fractions.  If you are looking for a Spanish Video, check out and view the video titled, "Suma y resta de fracciones con diferente denominador".  Also a great video for students needing a review.
**Note: You are NOT downloading the video.

Part two:  Demonstrate to students how to add and subtract mixed number problems.  The problem most difficult for most students to understand is when you have to borrow when you subtract. Check out for worksheets.  Find a great book and work through adding and subtracting application problems.  You can also click on the label located within this blog, fraction word problems,where you will find many GED math problems in both English and Spanish.  Check back often as more are being added all the time.

Part three:  Its always good to give students some worksheets that they can take home with them.  The following worksheets not only have the problems, but also the answer key.

Worksheet:  Adding Mixed Number Fractions
Worksheet:  Subtracting Mixed Number Fractions

Fraction Lesson 1:  Introduction to Fractions

Part one: To begin our lesson today (1st lesson), the students and I viewed a short 7-9 minute video on the vocabulary they will need to understand when learning fractions. The video is titled, "Title: Fraction Vocabulary" and can be found on If you decide to use the video, be sure to scroll down to the video and click on the arrow to begin.

**Note: You are NOT downloading the video.

As you and the students view the video, remind them that the video's purpose is to introduce them to the vocabulary that will be needed as they learn fractions. There are LOTS of information in the video and the students might think they need to learn all of it at once. It is a great overview of what will be learned in the upcoming lessons!

Part two:In addition to learning fraction vocabulary, I introduced the different types of fractions as well as how to change back and forth between improper fractions and mixed numbers. I use Steck Vaughn's GED math book, but if you don't have that book... there are many others that would work as well.

As homework I printed off copies of the following to be done at home. Each worksheet had the problems on the front page and the answers on the back.

Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle Worksheet
Changing From Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
Changing from Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions

Total lesson time: 1 hour

Fraction Word Problem: Ratio (Spanish & English)

Susan has $105 in her savings.  She withdrew $35.  Of the amount Susan withdrew, she used $30 to buy a new sweater.  What fraction of the withdrawal did she spend on her new sweater?

Susana tiene $105 en sus ahorros. Ella sacó $35 de sus ahorros. De la suma que Susan sacó, usó $30 para comprar un suéter. ¿Cuál es la fracción de sus ahorros originales que ella gastó en su suéter nuevo?



Fraction Word Problem: Ratio (Spanish & English)

Of the 21 students in the class, 15 are boys.  What fraction of the students are girls?

De los 21 estudiantes en la clase, 15 son chicos. ¿Cuál es la fracción de los estudiantes quienes son chicos?


2/7 ;  two out of seven students are girls

Fraction Word Problem: Ratio (Spanish & English)

Of the 15 students in the class, 10 are girls.  What fraction of the students are girls?

De los 15 estudiantes en la clase, 10 son chicas. ¿Cuál es la fracción de los estudiantes quienes son chicas?


2/5 ;  two out of five students are girls